Friday, January 8, 2010


He doesn't have a website as such (he does however, have a Myspace page). There appears to be about two press photos of him and if you google his moniker then you have to search very hard to find anything about him that doesn't allude to foraging for plants and animals. Regardless, he's just released a quite wonderful album entitled I Dreamed I Was A Footstep In The Trail Of A Murderer which already has to be a certainty for a Choice Music nomination (shortlist announced on Jan 13th) at the very least. There are 15 tracks on Murderer and it proves that whilst we Irish cannot rap, we do occasionally make some beautiful electronic music.
Hunter-Gatherer will open for tUnE-YaRDS in Whelan's on February 12th.

Hunter-Gatherer - Memory Pillow by onfire

Hunter-Gatherer - Snow-globe by onfire

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